ICAART 2022 | Victor Margallo

ICAART 2022 | Victor Margallo | PublicSonar

Our Data Scientist Victor Margallo presented his paper at the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2022. Learn more about the paper below.

Helping the Austrian government evaluate social media for disasters

Research team investigates how to use social media to improve disaster and emergency response.

When the Austrian Federal Ministry of Interior wanted to evaluate the use of social media to improve disaster management and emergency response, it turned to AI experts PublicSonar. The result of our collaborative research project was iLiKe – an innovative, intelligent situation information portal to support emergency organizations for disaster management. Learn more about harnessing social media for disaster management.

Six tips for monitoring social media

sociale media monitoren

As a municipality, province or security region, you want to know early on when something threatens to get out of hand and you want to know exactly what is going on. How do you make use of the billions of messages on Twitter, YouTube, Telegram and (weather/news) websites? Read the 6 tips in the blog below.